How New Farming Methods are Increasing Access to Health Foods

Contrary to popular belief, most people will choose healthy, juicy fruits over chocolate and want to eat better. Sometimes, it can be impossible in certain communities where agriculture is not maintained and preserved; or even worse, nonexistent. There is a lot of work involved in food production, including growing and harvesting the fruits and vegetables, and keeping them safe from hungry predators. Luckily, there are people working to help agriculture continue to grow and increase the average person’s access to healthy foods. 

The Maintenance and Preservation of Agricultural Land 

The first important thing to do is to make sure our current methods of producing food are well taken care of and regulated. Preserving food production in already dedicated areas will help save resources that can be used to create new land ready for agriculture. Some regions have an abundance of agricultural land, while certain developed areas make the space limited and are not cost effective. The human race continues to steadily grow, causing more development to take place; the first step is to preserve the agricultural land we have from development to keep food production growing just as steady to keep supporting the population.  

Increasing Food Production 

Although a large portion of available land for agricultural needs have already been developed as farms or cities, there is still plenty of land up for grabs to be produced into even more agricultural industries. There are abandoned lots, rooftops, and other miscellaneous buildings throughout both rural and suburban areas that can be used for further agricultural development that currently are not being used for anything but taking up space and rotting. Utilizing these abandoned areas can provide plenty of opportunities for local food production and promote healthy eating even in the big cities where most people stop into quick, fast food joints. 

Protect the Pollinators 

Although we have plenty of regulated food production by working farmers, pollinators still play a huge role in food production. When a pollinator comes in contact with your fruits and vegetables, upon leaving they are a necessity to help plants outside of your farm reproduce and aid in the growth of other fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, the populations of pollinators, especially bees, are constantly in decline, making plant growth outside of the regulated farms to decrease in quantity and quality. In recent years, many people have taken it upon themselves to become beekeepers to help breed more pollinators in their declining numbers, as well as farmers utilizing better land practices in their farming methods. This includes minimizing chemicals used that are harmful to the pollinators, as well as farming on several different types of properties to help encourage native plants outside of their own farms; this helps support keeping the existing pollinators healthy. 

There are plenty of different methods farmers have thought of and even are beginning to utilize in their daily practice to help the general population continue to be stocked with healthy, amazing food. The development of these three methods so far have and will produce the greatest difference in providing healthy food to the general public.