Making ‘Cents’ of Health Foods: Organic Coffee

If you love drinking coffee, then you should choose the organic brands while shopping. Organic coffee is grown without the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides, helping you to avoid any contamination from chemicals. Research reveals that moderate consumption of organic coffee can reduce your chances of developing dementia conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.  

Caffeine vs. Decaf

Plain organic coffee contains no calories, but it will offer you a small amount of caffeine to help you remain more alert. It is also possible to buy decaffeinated organic coffee so that you can drink the beverage later in the day without feeling jittery. Black coffee provides antioxidants that can protect your body’s cells from damage along with several types of B vitamins. 

Where to Buy

Your local supermarket may offer organic coffee, but you should read the package labels carefully to learn more about the products. When the price is higher on the organic coffee, you can look for special sales or coupons to help you save money. If you can’t find organic coffee locally, then you can look for the item at online stores. Remember that many online stores also offer discounts, including free shipping.  


When you enjoy stopping at coffee shops to drink this beverage, you can find several organic flavors, but if you are drinking ready-made coffee, then it is expensive. However, you can determine if the coffee shop also offers containers of coffee beans or processed coffee, making it easier to save money while you are drinking this beverage.